Proud to be part of the Focus-Trust

Lyndhurst Primary Academy

Before and After School Clubs

Extra-curricular Activities

The Voice

The Voice are Lyndhurst’s elected School Council who represent the children of Lyndhurst, and work towards making positive differences to our school. They are supported by Mrs Richardson and Miss Ecklesby and meet regularly with our Headteacher Mrs Egan-Walsh. The Voice share their work and collect children’s opinions through a variety of means including delivering assemblies and surveys. They are a passionate team and we are proud that they represent our school. Two elected members are Pupil Parliamentarians who work with peers across the trust.

The Well Being Champions

The Well being Champions are a group of children who are dedicated to making Lyndhurst a healthier place to learn. They focus on mental and physical health and are supported by Mrs West and Miss Ashton.

The Sports Captains

The Sports Captains are representatives from Year 6 who support other children with accessing sporting activities at lunchtimes. They attend rigorous training sessions, which are led by Mrs Seth. They are committed young people who demonstrate an ability to lead.

Additional Information

We host a variety of extra curricular clubs and activities ranging from football and gymnastics to Robotics.

Children also have the opportunity access indoor and outdoor games at lunchtime and engage in eco friendy activities e.g. litter picking, forest school and gardening.

Specific information is shared with families via Class Dojo, Parentmail and letters.

Breakfast Club

We run a breafast club for Recetion to Year 6 children. This is part funded by Greggs and part funded by school. This is free to families to attend, please ask at the school office for further information.