Proud to be part of the Focus-Trust

Lyndhurst Primary Academy



At Lyndhurst we believe that our children are the future of ‘whatever they decide to be.’ Our children should be prepared to make informed decisions about their life choice – for now and the future, into adulthood.

Our curriculum underpins our values and vision – Shaping the Future. Making Memories. Ready for Life and enables our children access to the cultural capital.

It includes knowledge and vocabulary rich learning linked to the National Curriculum and is designed to develop the wider holistic child; ensuring they are equipped through PSHE, SMSC, RE and ‘time to talk’ assemblies to safeguard and respect themselves, whilst respecting, celebrating and accepting differences, similarities, culture and diversity. We believe strongly in the promotion of the British Values; however, we believe that we should accept rather than tolerate. Our curriculum is planned and sequenced to develop deep lasting knowledge, building on prior knowledge, which our children can use today, tomorrow and for the rest of their lives.

We intend to equip our children to be ready for life, through the promotion of digital literacy, Building Learning Powers and in EYFS the Characteristics of Effective Learning.


The curriculum is designed so that teaching models successful learning in knowledge, whilst creating metacognitive classroom cultures through the development and embedding of the Characteristics of Effective Learning and Building Learning Powers.

The consistent use of high quality, contextually based inspiring texts linked to non-core curricular topics ensures the curriculum is mapped and timetabled appropriately to enable the acquisitions of key knowledge, building on prior learning and the transference of knowledge to long term memory; supported by an environment enabled to support learning through the strategic use of working walls.

The implementation of the curriculum promotes recognition of talent, and these are developed through opportunities such as Vex Robotics, Guitar Club, Sports Captains and a developing choir.




Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1050)



Key Documents